Sunday, 19 August 2012

It all started here...

It all started here... I may be a foreigner to this country, but surely I am no foreign to whatever I feel about my vocation. Such a challenging and worth remembering experience I had as I walk and journey with my family and friends, especially with all the Priests, Nuns and co-seminarians in the Diocese,    other Dioceses and overseas.

As I continue my service to God in Cambridge, I felt HOME again... Serving as a Youth Minister, Catechist, Choir, in the Liturgy and wherever help is needed, I sometimes work on my own and finish the job overnight. Imagine all the organisations that I joined in the Philippines, I can say that I was so busy especially when Solemnities, Feasts and some traditions that we celebrate in my hometown Mabalacat in Pampanga. I can still remember at the Our Lady of Grace Parish which I served, the bond we built with the youth and those who were older than us. We established a group of young people that serves God in whatever ways that we can. What a wonderful memory of my past which I should bring here. With God's grace I have started it again.

Homesickness is when you feel like going home and you wanted your old self as to where you were before. I had a different experience and I called it Churchsickness. I want to continue what I have been doing before, I want to carry on how I serve God; busy, fully loaded, happy and tired. But full of energy, the energy that God is giving me to offer everything to Him.

I am so blessed that with this path that I am taking, I have a great Parish Priest who is really helping me a lot. A spiritual Director who is a Priest and a friend, who guides me and answers whatever question that I throw. A very supportive parish, St. Philip Howard, with different nationalities whom I met and shared their stories. I am not alone, I just started, I am praying for all as they are praying for me.

Photo taken by Fr. Ben Grist during the World Youth Day 2011 in Madrid Spain

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