Monday, 20 May 2013

At long last, a decision has been made by the Diocese of East Anglia. It is the most important event of my life no. Hearing the word "accepted" was exciting and I was about to jump from the couch.

I went to White House in Poringland, Norwich to meet Fr. David and Fr. John to hear from them what should I do next. I am with Edrich from St. Peter and All Souls Peterborough, Fr. Padraig and my parish priest Mgr. Eugene who kindly gave us a lift from Cambridge all the way to Norwich. It was a bit stressful especially as me and Edrich were called individually. An hour later we went together to receive the good news. We were accepted as students of the Diocese. The only thing left now is for the Deanery to decide which Seminary will it be. 

As we head back home to Cambridge, I was silent and kept on thinking of what really happened. Although I was so happy about the decision, I was also trying to figure out the seriousness of the event. All of a sudden a flashback of what has happened since I was young going for Mass, processions, youth gatherings, parish activity, Philippines to UK and now stepping up to study for the priesthood. Tears fell like a tap, it was a long journey. A journey that actually just started upon hearing the great news. I know I will be meeting more people and experiencing more of the faith of my second home, but the faith which I brought from my home country to the Diocese of East Anglia will definitely burn all through out my journey. 

Thanking my family for their love and support, my friends and relatives who touched my life and of course my two parishes, Our Lady of Grace Parish (Philippines) where I was sculpted to be in faith always and St. Philip Howard (Cambridge) most especially to Mgr. Eugene who took me as a real son and found more of the faith that I am now burning! 

I am now walking the path which is not that easy, but with your love and prayers I will be able to light if ever I'll encounter darkness. Help me and Edrich to enlighten our vocations so we may find Christ who is God forever and ever.

"I tell you that you have less to suffer in following the cross than in serving the world and its pleasure". -St. John Marie Vianney